Editing Partially Fulfilled Sales Orders to Increase Incremental Sales

Sales orders are a critical component of any business that sells goods or services. However, managing incremental sales orders can pose a unique challenge, especially when it comes to editing partially fulfilled orders.

Let’s say you create a sales order with multiple line items, but only a few of them have been fulfilled. Now imagine a scenario where your customer requests an increase in the quantity of an item that has only been partially fulfilled. At the same time, your supplier informs you of the actual cost of an unfilled item, which requires you to update the unit price. In such a situation, you need a system that allows you to make these changes efficiently.

Datamoto is a platform that provides editing functionalities for partially fulfilled sales orders. However, the editing capabilities are restricted to specific scenarios:

  •  For instance, you can’t edit a line item where all the items have been fulfilled. 
  •  You can only change the quantity for a line item that has been partially fulfilled. The new quantity cannot be less than the already shipped plus canceled quantity. 
  • However, if the line item has not been fulfilled at all, you can change both the quantity and unit price.

It’s essential to have a reliable system in place for managing incremental sales orders, as it helps you avoid errors and streamline your operations. By choosing a platform like Datamoto, you can ensure that you have the tools you need to manage your sales orders efficiently and accurately.

For more information on how Datamoto can help your business with incremental sales orders, please visit: Sale Order Management Software