Purchase Order Software
A purchase order software for multi-location inventory, services, non-inventory items. More on Online Purchase Order
Integrated with inventory and sales order modules
Create PO from Sales Order
Inventory stock replenishment alerts to PO in one-click. More on Create Purchase Order from Inventory
Multi-level PO approvals and Email notification and approval
Vendor list management
Inventory tracking – purchase to invoice
Generate a single bill from a PO even while receiving goods multiple times for the same PO
Return or receive full or partial delivery – auto-generation of bill or invoice
User access right control – you can set up who can see, write, approve what
Attaching documents in the purchase order. More on attaching quote on the purchase order
User activities on the purchase orders are logged. More on purchase order activity logging
PO can be linked-to Sales Order. More on linking PO on Sales Order
Multi-currency PO support
Vendor inventory catalog management for purchase order – a great value for field service management app
Excellent for traders, wholesalers, manufacturers, service companies, educational institutes, high-tech startups, or any other organizations.
Purchase Order Software – PO Approval
- Simple to setup multi-level approvals for each cost (or budget) center
- Just add email addresses of approvers in each level
- Email notification is sent to approver at each level
- Approver can approve, reject or return with comment from email
- Approvers see only the list of POs waiting for their approval
- All the approved POs are forwarded to the purchase+billing processing users
- An authorized user can change the current PO approver
- A PO that is in approval can be recalled simply by deleting it
- Works for both inventory and non-inventory related orders.
- More on Purchase Order Approval Workflow
Track Your Inventory with Purchase Order
- Just by clicking a checkbox, you can integrate inventory with the purchase order module
- All outstanding booked order levels can be viewed from the inventory item
- Every receive/return of delivery are tracked at the item level in the inventory
- Auto-update of the purchase price when delivery is received
- Receive items to multiple warehouses
More on Purchase Order and Inventory
Create Purchase Order from Sales Order
- For traders – you can create PO from a sales order
- One-click PO creation
- Track POs for a sales order
More on Purchase Order from Sales Order
Online Purchase Order Management – Budget Control
Datamoto makes it easy to create, approve and manage purchase orders online for goods and services. It is integrated with the billing to streamline payments and control expenses. If the purchase order is for goods then it automatically integrates the inventory system to keep track of goods received. More in managing the purchase order

- Centralize your purchase decision making. Control PO through Approval.
- Work within the budget of the cost center.
- Create PO in multiple currencies.
- Manage approved vendors list.
- Avoid confusion and mistake on billing by auto bill generation.
- Create PO from Sales Order in one click.
- Very simple to use.
Key Features of Purchase Order Management
Create a purchase order for selected vendors only.
Only designated approvers can approve purchase orders.
For goods, it automatically integrated with the inventory system.
Generate PDF and email to the customer.
Process return of an order.

Goods Receiving on Purchase Order
A separate good receiving module to receive goods for purchase orders. Especially useful for warehouse setting.
Received goods are automatically updated in the inventory and can be easily tracked.
You can receive items in batches from a single purchase order and update the same bill

Purchase Orders and Bills
When you receive goods or services from your vendor or supplier, you will also receive the invoice. This invoice can be a PDF or digital document. You need to record your vendor’s invoice in your accounting system to issue payment. You do this by creating a Bill. Bills are equivalent to invoices that you received from your vendors or suppliers. You can create bills manually. Bills are automatically created when you receive goods through the purchase order system. More on purchase orders and bills