Purchase Orders and Inventory Overview

It is important for an organization to have an advance purchase order and inventory management software application so that it can execute the purchasing of goods and services from vendors and keep track of it. A large organization may be able to afford to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement an ERP/CRM system. For small and medium-sized companies, there are many software vendors who provide purchase order systems with varying degrees of complexity and cost. If your organization has few to few hundreds of employees, then the Datamoto application could be right for you. More on purchase order

Purchase Order Workflow Diagram

A user can directly create a purchase order or convert a sales order to a purchase order. A purchase order needs to be approved. It can be approved by multiple people or just one or just by the user who creates it (as it is configured). Once the PO is issued, items can be received in batches or at once. Every time items are received, a bill is created and inventory is adjusted. Similarly, if items are returned, then inventory is adjusted and an invoice is created.

Managing Purchase Order

Creating Purchase Orders

Life Cycle of a Purchase Order

Editing and Deleting a Purchase Order

Purchase Receives


Life Cycle of a Bill

Creating a Bill

Options for Bills

Recording Bill Payments

Importing and Exporting a Purchase Order

Purchase Orders

  • Importing Purchase Order is manual
  • Exporting Purchase Orders is manual


  • Importing bill is manual
  • Exporting bill is manual

Inventory Management

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